Desert Wisdom Workshop # 8 - Healing the Feminine in Men


We stand at a crossroads, with our species in major crisis. Men continue to wage war, and rape and pillage the Feminine, in all her forms. In 1995, Robert Moore asked us men in the New Warrior Network if we were the ones, the group of men strong and clear enough to change the toxic masculine on this planet. Resoundingly, we said YES, and took a stand to reclaim the Sacred Masculine for our time, through imitation, training, and action in the world. And here we stand, 30 years later, still desperately in need of conscious action by new warrior men and women.

Our Desert Wisdom work is a long needed action program that invites men to take a deeper look at themselves, and their personal and transpersonal relationships to women, the Mother Earth, and the Feminine, in all her forms. Those of you who have come through our training know the growth and healing that you have experienced. And you also know how desperately men need to do this work.

So … on behalf of the men and women of our DW Staff, we humbly ask you to support the important work that we are doing. Our Desert Wisdom website ( is alive with changes. The 2024 dates are May 16-19 and Oct 3-6.

Please pass this along to the men in your lives, for with each man who opens his wounded heart to the Feminine, the world becomes a safer place for women, children, and all the tender parts of the world. For only then, will the world know Peace.

With Blessings & Gratitude …

Dene Maria Sebastiana - Fierce & Tender